I get myself going back to older posts and still relating to them. Thanks to you I have an archive that can last an apocalypse. Even if you don't return, it was a pleasure getting the EYC newsletter.

'Took you long enough :)' Wishing you all the very best email friend.

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Nik - I'm sad to hear it's the end of EYC (for now), but 100% back your decision to focus your attention & energy on your business. Thanks for sharing your musings with us and I'm excited to see where your solopreneur journey leads next.

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thank you so much! rooting for you :)

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Great share. Keep going.

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Empty Your Cup has given me lots to think about and some helpful direction in my life. Thank you.

Maybe this endeavor didn't last as long as you had hoped it would, but maybe it lasted long enough. Now you're making space for what you need.

Wishing you the best!

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rooting for you!

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Nik - I appreciate your honesty, and you're writing is amazing, which is the most important thing. It is interesting that we live in an age of so much unpredictability with online writing. We can be focused on creating work that makes our readers happy and things can change overnight because of an algorithm change or Google or social media that takes months to understand.

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